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Review | Open Access

Precise diagnosis of cardiac‐cerebral vascular diseases with magnetic resonance imaging‐based nanoprobes

Wenyue Li1,Ruru Zhang2,Xinyi Zhang1Shuai Wu1Tiancong Ma3Yi Hou1 ( )Jianfeng Zeng2( )Mingyuan Gao2( )
College of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China
Centre for Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, School for Radiological and Interdisciplinary Sciences (RAD‐X), Collaborative Innovation Center of Radiation Medicine of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection, and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Wenyue Li and Ruru Zhang authors contributed equally.

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Cardiac‐cerebral vascular diseases (CCVDs) are acknowledged as a major threat to public health, leading to more than one‐third of all deaths worldwide. The complex anatomical structure and immune features of blood vessels significantly affect the development of CCVDs, and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is one of the main diagnostic approaches for the accurate diagnosis and prognosis of CCVDs. However, MRA suffers from intrinsic problems derived from its blood flow‐dependency, and the clinical Gd‐chelating contrast agents are limited by their rapid vascular extravasation. Over the past decade, spurred on by nanoscience and nanotechnology, numerous contrast agents based on magnetic nanomaterials have been developed to enhance the contrast of MRA, with these including iron oxide nanoparticles, rare earth‐doped nanoparticles, and metal‐organic coordination polymers. The molecular MR imaging of vasculopathy using specific nanoprobes has been explored to obtain a better understanding of the molecular aspects of CCVDs. In this review, the state of the art in MRA nanoprobes is introduced, and recent achievements in the diagnosis of CCVDs using MR imaging are summarized. Additionally, the future prospects and limitations of MRA based on nanoprobes are discussed. The current review provides methodological designs and ideas for subsequent MRA nanoprobes.



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Pages 264-284
Cite this article:
Li W, Zhang R, Zhang X, et al. Precise diagnosis of cardiac‐cerebral vascular diseases with magnetic resonance imaging‐based nanoprobes. iRADIOLOGY, 2024, 2(3): 264-284.








Received: 14 March 2024
Accepted: 13 May 2024
Published: 20 June 2024
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