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A Character Flow Framework for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Hunan Engineering Research Center of Machine Vision and Intelligent Medicine, Changsha 410083, China
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Scene text detection plays a significant role in various applications, such as object recognition, document management, and visual navigation. The instance segmentation based method has been mostly used in existing research due to its advantages in dealing with multi-oriented texts. However, a large number of non-text pixels exist in the labels during the model training, leading to text mis-segmentation. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-oriented scene text detection framework, which includes two main modules: character instance segmentation (one instance corresponds to one character), and character flow construction (one character flow corresponds to one word). We use feature pyramid network (FPN) to predict character and non-character instances with arbitrary directions. A joint network of FPN and bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM) is developed to explore the context information among isolated characters, which are finally grouped into character flows. Extensive experiments are conducted on ICDAR2013, ICDAR2015, MSRA-TD500 and MLT datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. The F-measures are 92.62%, 88.02%, 83.69% and 77.81%, respectively.

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Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Pages 465-477
Cite this article:
Yang W-J, Zou B-J, Li K-W, et al. A Character Flow Framework for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2021, 36(3): 465-477.






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Received: 08 February 2021
Accepted: 28 April 2021
Published: 05 May 2021
©Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2021