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Data partitioning techniques are pivotal for optimal data placement across storage devices, thereby enhancing resource utilization and overall system throughput. However, the design of effective partition schemes faces multiple challenges, including considerations of the cluster environment, storage device characteristics, optimization objectives, and the balance between partition quality and computational efficiency. Furthermore, dynamic environments necessitate robust partition detection mechanisms. This paper presents a comprehensive survey structured around partition deployment environments, outlining the distinguishing features and applicability of various partitioning strategies while delving into how these challenges are addressed. We discuss partitioning features pertaining to database schema, table data, workload, and runtime metrics. We then delve into the partition generation process, segmenting it into initialization and optimization stages. A comparative analysis of partition generation and update algorithms is provided, emphasizing their suitability for different scenarios and optimization objectives. Additionally, we illustrate the applications of partitioning in prevalent database products and suggest potential future research directions and solutions. This survey aims to foster the implementation, deployment, and updating of high-quality partitions for specific system scenarios.
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