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Research Article

Particle transport characteristics in indoor environment with an air cleaner: The effect of nonuniform particle distributions

Lin ChenXinming JinLijun Yang( )Xiaoze DuYongping Yang
Key Laboratory of Condition Monitoring and Control for Power Plant Equipments of Ministry of Education, School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
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Air cleaners are expected to improve the indoor air quality by removing the gaseous contaminants and fine particles. In our former work, the effects of the air cleaner on removing the uniformly distributed particles were numerically investigated. Based on those results, this work further explores the performances of the air cleaner in the reduction of two nonuniform particle distributions generated by smoking and coughing. The Lagrangian discrete trajectory model combined with the Eulerian fluid method is employed to simulate the airflow pattern and particle transport in a room. In general, the results show that the particle fates have been resulted from the interaction between the emitting source and the air cleaner. And the position of the air cleaner is a key parameter affecting the particle concentration, for which a shorter distance between the air cleaner and the human body corresponds to a lower concentration. Besides, the air velocity emitted from the human mouth and the orientation of the air cleaner can also influence the transport of particles.


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Building Simulation
Pages 123-133
Cite this article:
Chen L, Jin X, Yang L, et al. Particle transport characteristics in indoor environment with an air cleaner: The effect of nonuniform particle distributions. Building Simulation, 2017, 10(1): 123-133.






Web of Science






Received: 27 April 2016
Revised: 11 July 2016
Accepted: 14 July 2016
Published: 17 August 2016
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016