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Research Article

Linguistic descriptions of thermal comfort data for buildings: Definition, implementation and evaluation

Alexis Pérez-Fargallo1Clemente Rubio-Manzano2,3Alejandro Martínez-Rocamora1( )Carlos Rubio-Bellido4Maureen Trebilcock Kelly5
GACS Research Group, Department of Building Science, Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design, University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile
Department of Mathematics, University of Cádiz, Spain
SOMOS Research Group, Department of Information Systems, University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile
CARMA Research Group, Department of Building Construction II, Higher Technical School of Building Engineering, University of Seville, Spain
GACS Research Group, Department of Design and Theory of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design, University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile
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Building Simulation Software tools support designers to analyse and identify certain users´ behavioural patterns; besides, they can predict future trends about the energy demand and consumption in buildings, as well as CO2 emissions, design analysis, energy efficiency, or lighting. These tools allow to collect and report information about such processes. However, understanding the results from simulations usually implies interpreting an extremely large amount of data or graphs, which can be a complex task. Therefore, there is a need of alternatives that ease this interpretation of results, hence complementing classic simulation tools. Under the widespread EN 15251 model criteria, this paper presents a novel technology to improve reporting tools of building simulation software by using linguistic description of data and timespan computational perceptions. A data-driven software architecture for automatically generating linguistic reports is here proposed, which provides designers with a better understanding of the data from building simulation tools. In order to show and explore the possibilities of this technology, a software application has been designed, implemented and evaluated by experts. The survey showed that usefulness and clarification were better evaluated than simplicity and time-saving for the three kinds of report, though always above 7 points out of 10, being most of p-values of contingency below 0.05.


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Building Simulation
Pages 1095-1108
Cite this article:
Pérez-Fargallo A, Rubio-Manzano C, Martínez-Rocamora A, et al. Linguistic descriptions of thermal comfort data for buildings: Definition, implementation and evaluation. Building Simulation, 2018, 11(6): 1095-1108.






Web of Science






Received: 12 February 2018
Revised: 11 April 2018
Accepted: 16 May 2018
Published: 16 June 2018
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018