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Research Article | Open Access

Energy analysis of a wood or pellet stove in a single-family house equipped with gas boiler and radiators

Marco Marigo( )Fabio ZulliSara BordignonLaura CarnielettoGiuseppe EmmiMichele De Carli
Department of Industrial Engineering – Applied Physics Section, University of Padova, Via Venezia 1–35131, Padova, Italy
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In the residential sector, biomass appliances are widely used for space heating and often combined with other systems. This work aims at comparing the final and primary energy consumption of different configurations, including a conventional and a ducted pellet stove and a wood log stove using air as heat transfer fluid. A dynamic analysis of the interaction between biomass stoves and conventional heating systems, such as gas boilers and radiators, is carried out within a typical single-family house in a mild climate, using TRNSYS software. In addition, natural ventilation of the building is considered using CONTAM, with a focus on external infiltrations and internal air circulation due to the buoyancy effect. Results show that the biomass device in one room promotes the airflows between adjacent thermal zones, enhancing the heat distribution through door openings, in particular when an air ducted stove is present. The final energy consumption resulting from simulations with wood-burning stoves is 21% higher than pellet stoves. The pellet stove results in similar final energy and a 30% increase in overall primary energy, while the wood stove increases the final energy by 22% and approximately 40% of overall primary energy compared to the case of a traditional gas system coupled to radiators which is considered as reference. Nevertheless, non-renewable primary energy savings are higher than 50% with pellet stoves and 60% with wood-log stoves.


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Building Simulation
Pages 1577-1593
Cite this article:
Marigo M, Zulli F, Bordignon S, et al. Energy analysis of a wood or pellet stove in a single-family house equipped with gas boiler and radiators. Building Simulation, 2022, 15(9): 1577-1593.








Web of Science






Received: 15 September 2021
Revised: 11 December 2021
Accepted: 02 January 2022
Published: 01 February 2022
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