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Research Article | Open Access

Simulation Studies of a "Nanogun" Based on Carbon Nanotubes

Dai YitaoChun TangWanlin Guo( )
Institute of Nano Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, ChinaNanjing 210016 China
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Quantum mechanical molecular dynamics simulations show that electrically neutral carbon nanotubes or fullerene balls housed in an outer carbon nanotube can be driven into motion by charging the outer tube uniformly. Positively and negatively charged outer tube are found to have quite different actions on the initially neutral nanotubes or fullerene balls. A positively charged tube can drive out the molecule inside it out at speeds over 1 km/s, just like a "nanogun", while a negatively charged tube can drive the molecule into oscillation inside it and can absorb inwards a neutral molecule in the vicinity of its open end, like a "nano-manipulator". The results demonstrate that changing the charge environment in specific ways may open the door to conceptually new nano/molecular electromechanical devices.



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Nano Research
Pages 176-183
Cite this article:
Yitao D, Tang C, Guo W. Simulation Studies of a "Nanogun" Based on Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Research, 2008, 1(2): 176-183.








Web of Science






Received: 03 May 2008
Revised: 30 June 2008
Accepted: 30 June 2008
Published: 31 July 2008
© Tsinghua Press and Springer-Verlag 2008