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Research Article | Open Access

Mesoflowers: A New Class of Highly Efficient Surface-Enhanced Raman Active and Infr red-Absorbing Materials

Panikkanvalappil Ravindranathan SajanlalThalappil Pradeep( )
DST Unit on Nanoscience (DST UNS)Department of Chemistry and Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility, Indian Institute of Technology MadrasChennai600 036India
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Graphical Abstract


A method for the synthesis of a new class of anisotropic mesostructured gold material, which we call "mesoflowers", is demonstrated. The mesoflowers, unsymmetrical at the single particle level, resemble several natural objects and are made up of a large number of stems with unusual pentagonal symmetry. The mesostructured material has a high degree of structural purity with star-shaped, nano-structured stems. The mesoflowers were obtained in high yield, without any contaminating structures and their size could be tuned from nano- to meso-dimensions. The dependence of various properties of the mesoflowers on their conditions of formation was studied. The near-infrared–infrared (NIR–IR) absorption exhibited by the mesoflowers has been used for the development of infrared filters. Using a prototypical device, we demonstrated the utility of the gold mesoflowers in reducing the temperature rise in an enclosure exposed to daylight in peak summer. These structures showed a high degree of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity compared to spherical analogues. SERS-based imaging of a single mesoflower is demonstrated. The high SERS activity and NIR–IR absorption property open up a number of exciting applications in diverse areas.

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Nano Research
Pages 306-320
Cite this article:
Sajanlal PR, Pradeep T. Mesoflowers: A New Class of Highly Efficient Surface-Enhanced Raman Active and Infr red-Absorbing Materials. Nano Research, 2009, 2(4): 306-320.








Web of Science






Received: 22 December 2008
Revised: 05 February 2009
Accepted: 05 February 2009
Published: 01 April 2009
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag 2009

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