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Magnetism in Carbon Nanoscrolls: Quasi-Half-Metals and Half-Metals in Pristine Hydrocarbons

Lin Lai1Jing Lu1,2()Lu Wang1Guangfu Luo1Jing Zhou1Rui Qin1Yu Chen1Hong Li1Zhengxiang Gao1()Guangping Li3Wai Ning Mei2Yutaka Maeda4,5Takeshi Akasaka6Stefano Sanvito7
State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics Peking UniversityBeijing 100871 China
Department of Physics University of Nebraska at OmahaOmaha, Nebraska 68182-0266 USA
SICAS Center Lee Hall SUNY OneontaOneonta, NY 13820 USA
Department of Chemistry Tokyo Gakugei UniversityTokyo 184-8501 Japan
PRESTO Japan Science and Technology Agency4-1-8 Honcho Kawagushi, Saitama Japan
Center for Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance University of TsukubaIbaraki 305-8577 Japan
School of Physics and CRANN Trinity CollegeDublin 2 Ireland
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A magnetic ground state is revealed for the first time in zigzag-edged carbon nanoscrolls (ZCNSs) from spin-unrestricted density functional theory calculations. Unlike their flat counterpart—zigzag-edged carbon nanoribbons, which are semiconductors with spin-degenerate electronic structure—ZCNSs show a variety of magnetic configurations, namely spin-selective semiconductors, metals, semimetals, quasi-half-metals, and half-metals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first discovery of quasi-half-metals and half-metals in a pure hydrocarbon without resort to an external electric field. In addition, we calculated the spin-dependent transportation of the semiconducting ZCNSs with 12 and 20 zigzag chains, and found that they are 13% and 17% at the Fermi level, respectively, suggesting that ZCNS can be an effective spin filter.

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Nano Research
Pages 844-850
Cite this article:
Lai L, Lu J, Wang L, et al. Magnetism in Carbon Nanoscrolls: Quasi-Half-Metals and Half-Metals in Pristine Hydrocarbons. Nano Research, 2009, 2(11): 844-850. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12274-009-9081-0
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