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Research Article | Open Access

Configuration-Sensitive Molecular Sensing on Doped Graphene Sheets

John RussellPetr Král( )
Department of Chemistry University of Illinois at ChicagoChicago IL 60607 USA
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We show by molecular dynamics simulations that configuration-sensitive molecular spectroscopy can be realized on optimally doped graphene sheets vibrated by an oscillatory electric field. High selectivity of the spectroscopy is achieved by maximizing Coulombic binding between the detected molecule and a specific nest, formed for this molecule on the graphene sheet by substituting selected carbon atoms with boron and nitrogen dopants. One can detect binding of different isomers to the nest from the frequency shifts of selected vibrational modes of the combined system. As an illustrative example, we simulate detection of hexanitrostilbene enantiomers in chiral nests formed on graphene.

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Nano Research
Pages 472-480
Cite this article:
Russell J, Král P. Configuration-Sensitive Molecular Sensing on Doped Graphene Sheets. Nano Research, 2010, 3(7): 472-480.








Web of Science






Received: 11 February 2010
Revised: 06 April 2010
Accepted: 29 April 2010
Published: 16 June 2010
© The Author(s) 2010

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