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Research Article | Open Access

Direct Comparison of Catalyst-Free and Catalyst-Induced GaN Nanowires

Caroline Chèze1,( )Lutz Geelhaar1,Oliver Brandt1Walter M. Weber2,Henning Riechert1,Steffen Münch3Ralph Rothemund3Stephan Reitzenstein3Alfred Forchel3Thomas Kehagias4Philomela Komninou4George P. Dimitrakopulos4Theodoros Karakostas4
Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik 5-7 HausvogteiplatzBerlin 10117 Germany
NaMLab gGmbHDresden 01187 Germany
Technische Physik, Universität Würzburg Am HublandWürzburg 97074 Germany
Physics Department Aristotle UniversityThessaloniki 54124 Greece

Former address: Qimonda, Munich 81730, Germany

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GaN nanowires have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy either catalyst-free or catalyst-induced by means of Ni seeds. Under identical growth conditions of temperature and Ⅴ/Ⅲ ratio, both types of GaN nanowires are of wurtzite structure elongated in the Ga-polar direction and are constricted by M-plane facets. However, the catalyst-induced nanowires contain many more basal-plane stacking faults and their photoluminescence is weaker. These differences can be explained as effects of the catalyst Ni seeds.



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Nano Research
Pages 528-536
Cite this article:
Chèze C, Geelhaar L, Brandt O, et al. Direct Comparison of Catalyst-Free and Catalyst-Induced GaN Nanowires. Nano Research, 2010, 3(7): 528-536.








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Received: 05 May 2010
Revised: 02 June 2010
Accepted: 02 June 2010
Published: 09 July 2010
© The Author(s) 2010

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