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Research Article | Open Access

Uniform, Highly Conductive, and Patterned Transparent Films of a Percolating Silver Nanowire Network on Rigid and Flexible Substrates Using a Dry Transfer Technique

Anuj R. Madaria§Akshay Kumar§Fumiaki N. IshikawaChongwu Zhou( )
Department of Electrical Engineering and Center for Energy Nanoscience and Technology, University of Southern California Los AngelesCalifornia 90089 USA

§These authors contributed equally.

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Graphical Abstract


Silver nanowire films are promising alternatives to tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) films as transparent conductive electrodes. In this paper, we report the use of vacuum filtration and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-assisted transfer printing technique to fabricate silver nanowire films on both rigid and flexible substrates, bringing advantages such as the capability of patterned transfer, the best performance among various ITO alternatives (10 Ω/sq at 85% transparency), and good adhesion to the underlying substrate, thus eliminating the previously reported adhesion problem. In addition, our method also allows the preparation of high quality patterned films of silver nanowires with different line widths and shapes in a matter of few minutes, making it a scalable process. Furthermore, use of an anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane in the transfer process allows annealing of nanowire films at moderately high temperature to obtain films with extremely high conductivity and good transparency. Using this transfer technique, we obtained silver nanowire films on a flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate with a transparency of 85%, a sheet resistance of 10 Ω/sq, with good mechanical flexibility. Detailed analysis revealed that the Ag nanowire network exhibits two-dimensional percolation behavior with good agreement between experimentally observed and theoretically predicted values of critical volume.

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Nano Research
Pages 564-573
Cite this article:
Madaria AR, Kumar A, Ishikawa FN, et al. Uniform, Highly Conductive, and Patterned Transparent Films of a Percolating Silver Nanowire Network on Rigid and Flexible Substrates Using a Dry Transfer Technique. Nano Research, 2010, 3(8): 564-573.








Web of Science






Received: 17 April 2010
Revised: 28 May 2010
Accepted: 05 June 2010
Published: 26 July 2010
© The Author(s) 2010

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