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Quantum Transport Properties of Chemically Functionalized Long Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes

Alejandro Lopez-Bezanilla1Xavier Blase2Stephan Roche1,3()
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique38054 Grenoble CedexFrance
Institut NéelCNRS and Université Joseph FourierB.P. 16638042Grenoble Cedex 09, France
CIN2 (CSIC-ICN) BarcelonaCampus UABE-08193 BellaterraSpain
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We present a first-principles study of the electronic transport properties of micrometer long semiconducting carbon nanotubes randomly covered with carbene functional groups. Whereas prior studies suggested that metallic tubes are hardly affected by such addends, we show here that the conductance of semiconducting tubes with standard diameter is, on the contrary, severely damaged. The configurational-averaged conductance as a function of tube diameter, with a coverage of up to one hundred molecules, is extracted. Our results indicate that the search for a conductance-preserving covalent functionalization route remains a challenging issue.



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The convergence to the clean system at the boundaries of a functionalized nanotube section can be checked through comparison of the conductance profiles obtained from its last layers (dotted lines in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) with those of pristine nanotubes sections.

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Nano Research
Pages 288-295
Cite this article:
Lopez-Bezanilla A, Blase X, Roche S. Quantum Transport Properties of Chemically Functionalized Long Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Research, 2010, 3(4): 288-295. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12274-010-1032-2
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