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Research Article

Microbial Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Shewanella

Gongming Wang1,§Fang Qian1,2,§Chad W. Saltikov3Yongqin Jiao2( )Yat Li1( )
Department of Chemistry and BiochemistryUniversity of California1156 High StreetSanta CruzCA 95064USA
Physical and Life Sciences DirectorateLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryLivermoreCA 94550USA
Department of Microbiology and Environmental ToxicologyUniversity of California1156 High StreetSanta CruzCA 95064USA

§These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Graphene oxide (GO) can be reduced to graphene in a normal aerobic setup under ambient conditions as mediated by microbial respiration of Shewanella cells. The microbially-reduced graphene (MRG) exhibited excellent electrochemical properties. Extracellular electron transfer pathways at the cell/GO interface were systematically investigated, suggesting both direct electron transfer and electron mediators are involved in the GO reduction.

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Nano Research
Pages 563-570
Cite this article:
Wang G, Qian F, Saltikov CW, et al. Microbial Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Shewanella. Nano Research, 2011, 4(6): 563-570.






Web of Science






Received: 12 December 2010
Revised: 28 January 2011
Accepted: 31 January 2011
Published: 23 February 2011
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011