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Research Article

Spatially Resolved Photoelectric Performance of Axial GaAs Nanowire pn-Diodes

Andrey Lysov( )Sasa VinajiMatthias OfferChristoph GutscheIngo RegolinWolfgang MertinMartin GellerWerner ProstGerd BacherFranz-Josef Tegude
Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen University of Duisburg-Essen 47048, Duisburg Germany
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The spatially resolved photoelectric response of a single axial GaAs nanowire pn-diode has been investigated with scanning photocurrent and Kelvin probe force microscopy. Optical generation of carriers at the pn-junction has been shown to dominate the photoresponse. A photocurrent of 88 pA, an open circuit voltage of 0.56 V and a fill factor of 69% were obtained under AM 1.5 G conditions. The photocurrent followed the increasing photoexcitation with 0.24 A/W up to an illumination density of at least 90 W/cm2, which is important for potential applications in concentrator solar cells.

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Nano Research
Pages 987-995
Cite this article:
Lysov A, Vinaji S, Offer M, et al. Spatially Resolved Photoelectric Performance of Axial GaAs Nanowire pn-Diodes. Nano Research, 2011, 4(10): 987-995.






Web of Science






Received: 13 April 2011
Revised: 26 May 2011
Accepted: 28 May 2011
Published: 10 June 2011
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011