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Research Article

Cellular Localization, Accumulation and Trafficking of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Human Prostate Cancer Cells

Vera Neves1,2Andreas Gerondopoulos1,Elena Heister1,2Carmen Tîlmaciu3Emmanuel Flahaut3B. Soula3S. Ravi P. Silva2Johnjoe McFadden1Helen M. Coley1( )
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesUniversity of SurreyGuildfordGU27XHUK
Nanoelectronics Centre, Advanced Technology InstituteUniversity of SurreyGuildfordGU27XHUK
Université de Toulouse, UPS/INP/CNRSInstitut Carnot CIRIMAT, 118 route de NarbonneToulouse, Cedex 931062France

Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford OX13QU, UK

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Graphical Abstract


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are at present being considered as potential nanovectors with the ability to deliver therapeutic cargoes into living cells. Previous studies established the ability of CNTs to enter cells and their therapeutic utility, but an appreciation of global intracellular trafficking associated with their cellular distribution has yet to be described. Despite the many aspects of the uptake mechanism of CNTs being studied, only a few studies have investigated internalization and fate of CNTs inside cells in detail. In the present study, intracellular localization and trafficking of RNA-wrapped, oxidized double-walled CNTs (oxDWNT–RNA) is presented. Fixed cells, previously exposed to oxDWNT–RNA, were subjected to immunocytochemical analysis using antibodies specific to proteins implicated in endocytosis; moreover cell compartment markers and pharmacological inhibitory conditions were also employed in this study. Our results revealed that an endocytic pathway is involved in the internalization of oxDWNT–RNA. The nanotubes were found in clathrin-coated vesicles, after which they appear to be sorted in early endosomes, followed by vesicular maturation, become located in lysosomes. Furthermore, we observed co-localization of oxDWNT–RNA with the small GTP-binding protein (Rab 11), involved in their recycling back to the plasma membrane via endosomes from the trans-golgi network.

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Nano Research
Pages 223-234
Cite this article:
Neves V, Gerondopoulos A, Heister E, et al. Cellular Localization, Accumulation and Trafficking of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. Nano Research, 2012, 5(4): 223-234.






Web of Science






Received: 27 September 2011
Revised: 05 January 2012
Accepted: 08 January 2012
Published: 22 February 2012
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012