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Review Article

Sodium lanthanide fluoride core–shell nanocrystals: A general perspective on epitaxial shell growth

Noah J. J. JohnsonFrank C. J. M. van Veggel( )
Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria P.O. Box 3065 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8W 3V6
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Understanding the structural characteristics and growth mechanism(s) are essential for generating core–shell nano-heterostructures with distinctive properties. Especially in lanthanide-based nanocrystals, rational design of the core–shell composition can be utilized to enhance/tune the optical properties of the final nanostructure, or can be used to integrate multiple functional applications (e.g., luminescent/magnetic). In this article, we review the progress in our current understanding of the epitaxial shell growth in sodium lanthanide fluoride (NaLnF4) nanocrystals. In order to understand epitaxial shell growth the core nanocrystals have to be uniform, and to date the synthesis of high quality near uniform size/shape dispersion controlled synthesis of lanthanide-based nanocrystals has been achieved mainly with this class of nanocrystals. The progress in core–shell synthesis and the epitaxial shell growth mechanism in this class of nanocrystals (NaLnF4) are reviewed, and a general perspective is provided on the core–shell morphology based on different characterization techniques. While there has been tremendous progress in studying the impact of core–shell structures in various functional applications, this review also highlights, in our view, the still limited understanding of ways to control the core–shell morphology and it emphasizes some important, unanswered questions that remain to be addressed to maximize their performance.



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Nano Research
Pages 547-561
Cite this article:
Johnson NJJ, van Veggel FCJM. Sodium lanthanide fluoride core–shell nanocrystals: A general perspective on epitaxial shell growth. Nano Research, 2013, 6(8): 547-561.






Web of Science






Received: 17 April 2013
Revised: 16 May 2013
Accepted: 19 May 2013
Published: 15 June 2013
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013