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Research Article

WS2 nanoflakes from nanotubes for electrocatalysis

Charina L. Choi1Ju Feng1Yanguang Li1Justin Wu1Alla Zak2Reshef Tenne3Hongjie Dai1( )
Department of ChemistryStanford UniversityStanfordCalifornia94305USA
Department of ScienceHolon Academic Institute of TechnologyHolon58102Israel
Department of Materials and InterfacesWeizmann InstituteRehovot76100Israel
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Next-generation catalysts for water splitting are crucial towards a renewable hydrogen economy. MoS2 and WS2 represent earth-abundant, noble metal cathode alternatives with high catalytic activity at edge sites. One challenge in their development is to nanostructure these materials in order to achieve increased performance through the creation of additional edge sites. In this work, we demonstrate a simple route to form nanostructured-WS2 using sonochemical exfoliation to break interlayer and intralayer bonds in WS2 nanotubes. The resulting few-layer nanoflakes are ~100 nm wide with a high density of edge sites. WS2 nanoflakes are utilized as cathodes for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and exhibit superior performance to WS2 nanotubes and bulk particles, with a lower onset potential, shallower Tafel slope and increased current density. Future work may employ ultra-small nanoflakes, dopant atoms, or graphene hybrids to further improve electrocatalytic activity.

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Nano Research
Pages 921-928
Cite this article:
Choi CL, Feng J, Li Y, et al. WS2 nanoflakes from nanotubes for electrocatalysis. Nano Research, 2013, 6(12): 921-928.






Web of Science






Received: 18 July 2013
Revised: 11 September 2013
Accepted: 12 September 2013
Published: 12 October 2013
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013