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Research Article

Plasma-assisted fabrication of monolayer phosphorene and its Raman characterization

Wanglin Lu1,§Haiyan Nan2,§Jinhua Hong1Yuming Chen2Chen Zhu1Zheng Liang3Xiangyang Ma1Zhenhua Ni2( )Chuanhong Jin1( )Ze Zhang1
State Key Laboratory of Silicon MaterialsKey Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Applications for Batteries of Zhejiang ProvinceDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang UniversityHangzhou310027China
Department of PhysicsSoutheast UniversityNanjing211189China
Graphene Research and Characterization CenterTaizhou Sunano New Energy Co., Ltd.Taizhou225300China

§ These authors contributed equally to this work.

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There have been continuous efforts to seek novel functional two-dimensional semiconductors with high performance for future applications in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. In this work, we introduce a successful experimental approach to fabricate monolayer phosphorene by mechanical cleavage and a subsequent Ar+ plasma thinning process. The thickness of phosphorene is unambiguously determined by optical contrast spectra combined with atomic force microscopy (AFM). Raman spectroscopy is used to characterize the pristine and plasma-treated samples. The Raman frequency of the A2g mode stiffens, and the intensity ratio of A2g to A1g modes shows a monotonic discrete increase with the decrease of phosphorene thickness down to a monolayer. All those phenomena can be used to identify the thickness of this novel two-dimensional semiconductor. This work on monolayer phosphorene fabrication and thickness determination will facilitate future research on phosphorene.



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Nano Research
Pages 853-859
Cite this article:
Lu W, Nan H, Hong J, et al. Plasma-assisted fabrication of monolayer phosphorene and its Raman characterization. Nano Research, 2014, 7(6): 853-859.
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Received: 20 February 2014
Revised: 06 March 2014
Accepted: 09 March 2014
Published: 08 May 2014
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014