Graphical Abstract

A PtFe/C catalyst has been synthesized by impregnation and high-temperature reduction followed by acid-leaching. X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray atomic near edge spectroscopy characterization reveal that Pt3Fe alloy formation occurs during high-temperature reduction and that unstable Fe species are dissolved into acid solution. The difference in Fe concentration from the core region to the surface and strong O-Fe bonding may drive the outward diffusion of Fe to the highly corrugated Pt-skeleton, and the resulting highly dispersed surface FeOx is stable in acidic medium, leading to the construction of a Pt3Fe@Pt-FeOx architecture. The as prepared PtFe/C catalyst demonstrates a higher activity and comparable durability for the oxygen reduction reaction compared with a Pt/C catalyst, which might be due to the synergetic effect of surface and subsurface Fe species in the PtFe/C catalyst.
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