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Research Article

Rayleigh scattering studies on inter-layer interactions in structure-defined individual double-wall carbon nanotubes

Sihan Zhao1Tomoya Kitagawa1Yuhei Miyauchi2,3Kazunari Matsuda2Hisanori Shinohara1( )Ryo Kitaura1( )
Department of Chemistry & Institute for Advanced ResearchNagoya UniversityNagoya464-8602Japan
Institute of Advanced EnergyKyoto UniversityUji, Kyoto611-0011Japan
Japan Science and Technology AgencyPRESTOSaitama332-0012Japan
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Graphical Abstract


Although the inter-layer coupling in layered materials has attracted considerable interest due to its importance in determining physical properties of two-dimensional systems, studies on the inter-layer coupling in one-dimensional systems have so far been limited. Double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) are one of the most fundamental and ideal model systems to study the inter-layer coupling in one-dimensional systems. In this work, Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy are used to characterize the electronic transition between inner-and outer-nanotubes of the exactly same individual DWCNT. We find that the inter-layer coupling is strong, leading to downshifts in most of the optical transition energies (up to ~0.2 eV) compared to isolated CNTs. We also find that the presence of metallic tubes lead to stronger shifts. The inter-layer screening of Coulomb interactions is one of the key factors in explaining the observed results.

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Nano Research
Pages 1548-1555
Cite this article:
Zhao S, Kitagawa T, Miyauchi Y, et al. Rayleigh scattering studies on inter-layer interactions in structure-defined individual double-wall carbon nanotubes. Nano Research, 2014, 7(10): 1548-1555.






Web of Science






Received: 14 April 2014
Revised: 08 June 2014
Accepted: 12 June 2014
Published: 21 August 2014
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014