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Research Article

Vertically coupled ZnO nanorods on MoS2 monolayers with enhanced Raman and photoluminescence emission

Kenan Zhang1,2Yun Zhang1Tianning Zhang1Wenjing Dong1Tiaoxing Wei1Yan Sun1Xin Chen1( )Guozhen Shen2( )Ning Dai1
National Laboratory for Infrared PhysicsShanghai Institute of Technical PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai200083China
State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and MicrostructuresInstitute of SemiconductorsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing100083China
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Hybrid structures composed of layered materials have received much attention due to their exceptional tunable optical, electronic and catalytic properties. Here, we describe a hydrothermal strategy for coupling vertical ZnO nanorods on MoS2 monolayers without a catalyst. These vapor-solid-grown MoS2 monolayers aid in growing vertical ZnO nanorods via epitaxy. Enhanced Raman and photoluminescence emissions were observed from the MoS2 monolayers under the ZnO nanorods in these coupled structures, which was attributed to the light antenna effect of the ZnO nanorods. These hybrid and incorporation protocols for layered materials will provide new perspectives and opportunities for promoting the construction of heterojunctions with adjustable layered structures leading to fascinating fundamental phenomena and advanced devices.

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Nano Research
Pages 743-750
Cite this article:
Zhang K, Zhang Y, Zhang T, et al. Vertically coupled ZnO nanorods on MoS2 monolayers with enhanced Raman and photoluminescence emission. Nano Research, 2015, 8(3): 743-750.






Web of Science






Received: 14 June 2014
Revised: 03 August 2014
Accepted: 06 August 2014
Published: 17 September 2014
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014