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Review Article

Shape-controlled syntheses of rhodium nanocrystals for the enhancement of their catalytic properties

Shuifen Xie1Xiang Yang Liu1Younan Xia2( )
Research Institute for Soft Matter and Biomimetics and Department of PhysicsXiamen UniversityXiamenFujian361005China
The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical EngineeringGeorgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, and School of Chemistry and Biochemistry and School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of TechnologyAtlantaGeorgia30332United States
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Rhodium (Rh) is a critical component of many catalysts for a variety of chemical transformation processes. Controlling the shape of Rh nanocrystals offers an effective route to the optimization of their catalytic performance owing to a close correlation between the catalytic activity/selectivity and the surface atomic structure. It also helps to substantially reduce the loading amount and thus achieve a sustainable use of this scarce and precious metal. In this review article, we focus on recent progress in the shape-controlled synthesis of Rh nanocrystals with the goal of enhancing their catalytic properties. Both traditional and newly-developed synthetic strategies and growth mechanisms will be discussed, including those based on the use of surface capping agents, manipulation of reduction kinetics, control of surface diffusion rate, management of oxidation etching, and electrochemical alteration. We also use two examples to highlight the unique opportunities offered by shape-controlled synthesis for enhancing the use of this metal in catalytic applications. The strategies can also be extended to other precious metals in an effort to advance the production of cost-effective catalysts.



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Nano Research
Pages 82-96
Cite this article:
Xie S, Liu XY, Xia Y. Shape-controlled syntheses of rhodium nanocrystals for the enhancement of their catalytic properties. Nano Research, 2015, 8(1): 82-96.
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Received: 08 November 2014
Revised: 26 November 2014
Accepted: 30 November 2014
Published: 03 January 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014