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Research Article

Targeted inductive heating of nanomagnets by a combination of alternating current (AC) and static magnetic fields

Ming MaYu Zhang( )Xuli ShenJun XieYan LiNing Gu( )
State Key Laboratory of BioelectronicsJiangsu Key Laboratory for Biomaterials and DevicesSchool of Biological Science and Medical Engineering & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and TechnologySoutheast UniversityNanjing210096China
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The conversion of electromagnetic energy into heat by nanomagnets has the potential to be a powerful, non-invasive technique for cancer therapy by hyperthermia and hyperthermia-based drug release, while temperature controllability and targeted heating are challenges to developing applications of such magnetic inductive hyperthermia. This study was designed to control the hyperthermia position and area using a combination of alternating current (AC) and a static magnetic field. MnZn ferrite (MZF) nanoparticles which exhibited excellent hyperthermia properties were first prepared and characterized as an inductive heating mediator. We built model static magnetic fields simply using a pair of permanent magnets and studied the static magnetic field distributions by measurements and numerical simulations. The influence of the transverse static magnetic fields on hyperthermia properties was then investigated on MZF magnetic fluid, gel phantoms and SMMC-7721 cells in vitro. The results showed a static magnetic field can inhibit the temperature rise of MZF nanoparticles in an AC magnetic field. But in the uneven static magnetic field formed by a magnet pair with repelling poles face-to-face, the heating area can be restricted in a central low static field; meanwhile the side effects of hyperthermia can be reduced by a surrounding high static field. As a result we can position the hyperthermia area, protect the non-therapeutic area, and reduce the side effects just by using a well-designed combination of AC and static field.



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Nano Research
Pages 600-610
Cite this article:
Ma M, Zhang Y, Shen X, et al. Targeted inductive heating of nanomagnets by a combination of alternating current (AC) and static magnetic fields. Nano Research, 2015, 8(2): 600-610.






Web of Science






Received: 16 August 2014
Revised: 14 January 2015
Accepted: 15 January 2015
Published: 19 February 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015