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Research Article

Novel hydrogen storage properties of palladium nanocrystals activated by a pentagonal cyclic twinned structure

Huang Huang§Shixiong Bao§Qiaoli ChenYanan YangZhiyuan JiangQin Kuang( )Xiaoyin WuZhaoxiong Xie( )Lansun Zheng
State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid SurfacesCollaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materialsand Department of ChemistryCollege of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringXiamen UniversityXiamen361005China

§ These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Researchers appear to have neglected a special form of crystallites, pentagonal cyclic twinning, in which an obvious two-dimensional lattice expansion exists leading to novel physical–chemical properties associated with the changes in geometric and electronic structures. Using the storage and release of hydrogen in Pd nanocrystals as a probe, we have found that icosahedral pentagonal cyclic twinned Pd nanocrystals had distinct hydrogen storage properties, due to the two-dimensional lattice expansions, quite different from those of the octahedral single crystalline counterpart. In addition, the two-dimensional lattice expansion in pentagonal cyclic twinned Pd nanocrystals causes a change in electronic structure, which results in novel catalytic properties involving in situ formation of PdHx pentagonal cyclic twinned nanocrystals.

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Nano Research
Pages 2698-2705
Cite this article:
Huang H, Bao S, Chen Q, et al. Novel hydrogen storage properties of palladium nanocrystals activated by a pentagonal cyclic twinned structure. Nano Research, 2015, 8(8): 2698-2705.






Web of Science






Received: 11 February 2015
Revised: 26 March 2015
Accepted: 31 March 2015
Published: 29 August 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015