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Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted substantial attention in electronic and optoelectronic applications with the superior advantages of being flexible, transparent, and highly tunable. Gapless graphene exhibits ultra-broadband and fast photoresponse while the 2D semiconducting MoS2 and GaTe exhibit high sensitivity and tunable responsivity to visible light. However, the device yield and repeatability call for further improvement to achieve large-scale uniformity. Here, we report a layer-by-layer growth of wafer-scale GaTe with a high hole mobility of 28.4 cm2/(V·s) by molecular beam epitaxy. The arrayed p-n junctions were developed by growing few-layer GaTe directly on three-inch Si wafers. The resultant diodes reveal good rectifying characteristics and a high photovoltaic external quantum efficiency up to 62% at 4.8 μW under zero bias. The photocurrent reaches saturation fast enough to capture a time constant of 22 μs and shows no sign of device degradation after 1.37 million cycles of operation. Most strikingly, such high performance has been achieved across the entire wafer, making the volume production of devices accessible. Finally, several photoimages were acquired by the GaTe/Si photodiodes with reasonable contrast and spatial resolution, demonstrating the potential of integrating the 2D materials with silicon technology for novel optoelectronic devices.
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