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Group 14 element-based non-centrosymmetric quantum spin Hall insulators with large bulk gap

Yandong Ma1()Liangzhi Kou2Aijun Du2Thomas Heine1()
Department of Physics and Earth ScienceJacobs University BremenCampus Ring 1Bremen28759Germany
School of ChemistryPhysics and Mechanical EngineeringQueensland University of TechnologyBrisbaneQueensland4001Australia
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To date, a number of two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators (TIs) have been realized in Group 14 elemental honeycomb lattices, but all are inversionsymmetric. Here, based on first-principles calculations, we predict a new family of 2D inversion-asymmetric TIs with sizeable bulk gaps from 105 meV to 284 meV, in X2–GeSn (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I) monolayers, making them in principle suitable for room-temperature applications. The nontrivial topological characteristics of inverted band orders are identified in pristine X2–GeSn with X = (F, Cl, Br, I), whereas H2–GeSn undergoes a nontrivial band inversion at 8% lattice expansion. Topologically protected edge states are identified in X2–GeSn with X = (F, Cl, Br, I), as well as in strained H2–GeSn. More importantly, the edges of these systems, which exhibit single-Dirac-cone characteristics located exactly in the middle of their bulk band gaps, are ideal for dissipationless transport. Thus, Group 14 elemental honeycomb lattices provide a fascinating playground for the manipulation of quantum states.

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Nano Research
Pages 3412-3420
Cite this article:
Ma Y, Kou L, Du A, et al. Group 14 element-based non-centrosymmetric quantum spin Hall insulators with large bulk gap. Nano Research, 2015, 8(10): 3412-3420.
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