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Research Article

Complete thermoelectric benchmarking of individual InSb nanowires using combined micro-Raman and electric transport analysis

Sara Yazji1,2Eric A. Hoffman1,2Daniele Ercolani3Francesco Rossella3Alessandro Pitanti3Alessandro Cavalli1Stefano Roddaro3Gerhard Abstreiter1,2Lucia Sorba3Ilaria Zardo1,4( )
Walter Schottky Institut & Physik DepartmentTechnische Universität MünchenGarchingD-85748Germany
Institute for Advanced StudyTechnische Universität MünchenGarchingD-85748Germany
NESTIstituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale SuperiorePisaI-56127Italy
Department of PhysicsUniversity of BaselBaselCH-4056Switzerland
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Nanowires (NWs) are ideal nanostructures for exploring the effects of low dimensionality and thermal conductivity suppression on thermoelectric behavior. However, it is challenging to accurately measure temperature gradients and heat flow in such systems. Here, using a combination of spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy and transport measurements, we determine all the thermoelectric properties of single Se-doped InSb NWs and quantify the figure of merit ZT. The measured laser-induced heating in the NWs and associated electrical response are well described by a 1D heat equation model. Our method allows the determination of the thermal contact resistances at the source and drain electrodes of the NW, which are negligible in our system. The measured thermoelectric parameters of InSb NWs agree well with those obtained based on field-effect transistor Seebeck measurements.

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Nano Research
Pages 4048-4060
Cite this article:
Yazji S, Hoffman EA, Ercolani D, et al. Complete thermoelectric benchmarking of individual InSb nanowires using combined micro-Raman and electric transport analysis. Nano Research, 2015, 8(12): 4048-4060.






Web of Science






Received: 06 May 2015
Revised: 09 September 2015
Accepted: 28 September 2015
Published: 09 November 2015
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015