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Research Article

Stable and unique graphitic Raman internal standard nanocapsules for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy quantitative analysis

Yuxiu Zou1,§Long Chen2,§Zhiling Song1Ding Ding1Yiqin Chen3Yiting Xu1Shanshan Wang1Xiaofang Lai1Yin Zhang1Yang Sun1Zhuo Chen1( )Weihong Tan1( )
Molecular Science and Biomedicine LaboratoryState Key Laboratory of Chemo/Bio-Sensing and ChemometricsCollege of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCollege of BiologyHunan UniversityChangsha410082China
Faculty of Science and TechnologyUniversity of MacauE11Avenida da UniversidadeTaipaMacau999078China
School of Physics and ElectronicsState Key Laboratory for Chemo/ Biosensing and ChemometricsHunan UniversityChangsha410082China

§These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Graphical Abstract


Graphitic nanomaterials have unique, strong, and stable Raman vibrations that have been widely applied in chemistry and biomedicine. However, utilizing them as internal standards (ISs) to improve the accuracy of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) analysis has not been attempted. Herein, we report the design of a unique IS nanostructure consisting of a large number of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) decorated on multilayered graphitic magnetic nanocapsules (AGNs) to quantify the analyte and eliminate the problems associated with traditional ISs. The AGNs demonstrated a unique Raman band from the graphitic component, which was localized in the Raman silent region of the biomolecules, making them an ideal IS for quantitative Raman analysis without any background interference. The IS signal from the AGNs also indicated superior stability, even under harsh conditions. With the enhancement of the decorated AuNPs, the AGN nanostructures greatly improved the quantitative accuracy of SERS, in particular the exclusion of quantitative errors resulting from collection loss and non-uniform distribution of the analytes. The AGNs were further utilized for cell staining and Raman imaging, and they showed great promise for applications in biomedicine.

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Nano Research
Pages 1418-1425
Cite this article:
Zou Y, Chen L, Song Z, et al. Stable and unique graphitic Raman internal standard nanocapsules for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy quantitative analysis. Nano Research, 2016, 9(5): 1418-1425.






Web of Science






Received: 25 December 2015
Revised: 29 January 2016
Accepted: 03 February 2016
Published: 29 September 2016
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016