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Maneuvering charge polarization and transport in 2H-MoS2 for enhanced electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction

Wei YeChenhao RenDaobin LiuChengming WangNing ZhangWensheng YanLi SongYujie Xiong( )
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the MicroscaleiChEM (Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials)Hefei Science Center (CAS)School of Chemistry and Materials Scienceand National Synchrotron Radiation LaboratoryUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei230026China
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Graphical Abstract


Semiconducting 2H-MoS2 with high chemical stability is a promising alternative to the existing electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER); however, the HER performance largely suffers from the limited number of active S sites and low mobility for charge transport. In this work, we demonstrate that the limitations of 2H-MoS2 for the HER can be overcome by forming hybrid structures with metallic nanowires. Taking the integration with Pd as a proofof- concept, we show with solid experimental evidence that the one-dimensional structure of metallic nanowires facilitates electron transport to active S sites, while the interfacial charge polarization between MoS2 and Pd increases the electron density of the S sites for improved activity. As a result, the hybrid structure exhibits a current density of 122 mA·cm-2 at -300 mV versus RHE and a Tafel slope of 44 mV·decade-1 with excellent durability, well exceeding the performances of bare 2H-MoS2 and metallic 1T-MoS2. This work provides insights into electrocatalyst design based on charge transport and polarization, which can be extended to other hybrid structures.

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Nano Research
Pages 2662-2671
Cite this article:
Ye W, Ren C, Liu D, et al. Maneuvering charge polarization and transport in 2H-MoS2 for enhanced electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Research, 2016, 9(9): 2662-2671.






Web of Science






Received: 05 March 2016
Revised: 13 May 2016
Accepted: 16 May 2016
Published: 27 June 2016
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016