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Research Article

Topotactic reduction of layered double hydroxides for atomically thick two-dimensional non-noble-metal alloy

Pengsong Li1Qixian Xie1Lirong Zheng2Guang Feng1Yingjie Li1Zhao Cai1Yongmin Bi1Yaping Li1Yun Kuang1( )Xiaoming Sun1,2,3( )Xue Duan1
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource EngineeringBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyBeijing100029China
College of EnergyBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyBeijing100029China
Beijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Soft Matter Science and EngineeringBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyBeijing100029China
Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing100049China
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Graphical Abstract


Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) have been widely used as catalysts owing to their tunable structure and atomic dispersion of high-valence metal ions; however, limited tunability of electronic structure and valence states have hindered further improvement in their catalytic performance. Herein, we reduced ultrathin LDH precursors in situ and topotactically converted them to atomically thick (~2 nm) two-dimensional (2D) multi-metallic, single crystalline alloy nanosheets with highly tunable metallic compositions. The as-obtained alloy nanosheets not only maintained the vertically aligned ultrathin 2D structure, but also inherited the atomic dispersion of the minor metallic compositions of the LDH precursors, even though the atomic percentage was higher than 20%, which is far beyond the reported percentages for single-atom dispersions (usually less than 0.1%). Besides, surface engineering of the alloy nanosheets can finely tune the surface electronic structure for catalytic applications. Such in situ topotactic conversion strategy has introduced a novel approach for atomically dispersed alloy nanostructures and reinforced the synthetic methodology for ultrathin 2D metal-based catalysts.

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Nano Research
Pages 2988-2997
Cite this article:
Li P, Xie Q, Zheng L, et al. Topotactic reduction of layered double hydroxides for atomically thick two-dimensional non-noble-metal alloy. Nano Research, 2017, 10(9): 2988-2997.






Web of Science






Received: 08 December 2016
Revised: 21 January 2017
Accepted: 03 February 2017
Published: 18 May 2017
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017