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Thickness-dependent phase transition and optical behavior of MoS2 films under high pressure

Xuerui Cheng1Yuanyuan Li2Jimin Shang1Chuansheng Hu2Yufen Ren1Miao Liu3()Zeming Qi2()
School of Physics and Electronic EngineeringZhengzhou University of Light IndustryZhengzhou450002China
National Synchrotron Radiation LaboratoryUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei230029China
Energy Technologies AreaLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeley, California94720USA
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We report the Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopic analysis of layered MoS2 under hydrostatic pressure up to ~ 30 GPa. Unlike previous studies, throughout this work, a special treatment is applied to submerge monolayer, bilayer, multilayer (~ 200 layers), and bulk MoS2 samples directly into silicone oil without a supporting substrate in a diamond anvil cell, thereby eliminating possible interference from substrate–film contact. A thickness-dependent trend is observed for the 2Hc-to-2Ha phase transition: The transition pressure increases from 19.0 to 25.6 GPa as the system thickness is reduced from bulk to multilayer MoS2; a further decrease in thickness to the bilayer structure increases the transition pressure to ~ 36 GPa, as predicted theoretically. This exceeds our measured pressure range, indicating the weakening of interlayer repulsive interactions as the MoS2 film thickness is reduced. Our experiment also reveals a monotonic trend of Raman peak shifting vs. film thickness under applied pressure, suggesting that the Raman vibration modes are more responsive to external pressure in thinner films. The photoluminescence emission peak of the monolayer MoS2 exhibits a blue shift under applied pressure at the rate of 23.8 meV·GPa-1. These results show that the structural and optical properties of MoS2 can be effectively modified by applying hydrostatic pressure.

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Nano Research
Pages 855-863
Cite this article:
Cheng X, Li Y, Shang J, et al. Thickness-dependent phase transition and optical behavior of MoS2 films under high pressure. Nano Research, 2018, 11(2): 855-863.
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