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Direct imaging and determination of the crystal structure of six-layered graphdiyne

Chao Li1,§Xiuli Lu1,§Yingying Han1Shangfeng Tang1Yi Ding1Ruirui Liu1Haihong Bao1Yuliang Li2Jun Luo1()Tongbu Lu1()
Center for Electron MicroscopyTUT-FEI Joint LaboratoryTianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Porous Functional MaterialsInstitute for New Energy Materials & Low-Carbon TechnologiesSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringTianjin University of TechnologyTianjin300384China
Key Laboratory of Organic SolidsInstitute of ChemistryChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing100190China

§ Chao Li and Xiuli Lu contributed equally to this work.

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Since its discovery, the direct imaging and determination of the crystal structure of few-layer graphdiyne has proven difficult because it is too delicate under irradiation by an electron beam. In this work, the crystal structure of a six-layered graphdiyne nanosheet was directly observed by low-voltage transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using low current density. The combined use of high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) simulation, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, and electron diffraction revealed that the as-synthesized nanosheet was crystalline graphdiyne with a thickness of 2.19 nm (corresponding to a thickness of six layers) and showed ABC stacking. Thus, this work provides direct evidence for the existence and crystal structure of few-layer graphdiyne, which is a new type of two-dimensional carbon material complementary to graphene.

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Nano Research
Pages 1714-1721
Cite this article:
Li C, Lu X, Han Y, et al. Direct imaging and determination of the crystal structure of six-layered graphdiyne. Nano Research, 2018, 11(3): 1714-1721.
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