Graphical Abstract

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with distinct localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorption spectra can be synthesized using different proteins as templates upon irradiation by light. We utilized the multiple readouts of LSPR signals of AgNPs to construct sensor arrays for pattern recognition of proteins. Room temperature, aqueous solutions, and lack of harsh reducing reagents make the whole process inherently "green". Meanwhile, the strategy efficiently simplified the process of array-receptor preparation and data acquisition, leading to lower time consumption, sample use, and cost. Furthermore, the system can differentiate proteins using flexible and alterable sensor elements by choosing different combinations of LSPR signals at different wavelengths. The principle of the sensor design can also be further extended to differentiate other biomolecules. The study provides a new method to construct feasible, economical, and general nanoparticle-based sensing arrays for pattern recognition.
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