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Research Article

Soft and transient magnesium plasmonics for environmental and biomedical sensing

Ruomu Li1Suxia Xie2Labao Zhang3Liqiang Li4Deying Kong5Qiang Wang6Run Xin3Xing Sheng6Lan Yin5Cunjiang Yu7Zongfu Yu8Xinran Wang3( )Li Gao1( )
School of Electronic and Optical EngineeringNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing210094China
School of Physics and ElectronicsHunan University of Science and TechnologyXiangtan411201China
School of Electronic Science and EngineeringNanjing UniversityNanjing210046China
Advanced Materials DivisionSuzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-BionicsSuzhou215123China
School of Materials Science and EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing100084China
Department of Electronic EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing100084China
Department of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of HoustonHoustonTX77204USA
School of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonMadisonWI53706USA
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Graphical Abstract


Due to its controlled reaction with water and biofluids, Mg as a dissolvable conductor has enabled the development of many transient electronic devices. In addition, Mg is a novel plasmonic material with high extinction efficiency, but its transientoptical properties have not been explored thoroughly. In this study, for the first time, we exploit the transient and tunable plasmonic properties of Mg in environmental and biomedical sensor applications. We used soft nanoimprint lithography to fabricate flexible and large-area Mg plasmonic structures that can be applied on the human skin. Their resonance (or color) can be tuned in the visible range by gradual Mg dissolution in a water fluid or vapor-rich environment; these structures can be easily implemented as passive optical sensors without the need for complex electronic circuits or a power supply. We demonstrate the applications of our optical sensors in the accurate monitoring of environmental humidity and physiological detection of sweat loss on the human skin during exercise. Our devices could be used as decomposable/resorbable optical sensors and can help minimize long-term health effects and environmental risks associated with consumer device waste, which will lead to many new possibilities in transient photonic device applications.

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Nano Research
Pages 4390-4400
Cite this article:
Li R, Xie S, Zhang L, et al. Soft and transient magnesium plasmonics for environmental and biomedical sensing. Nano Research, 2018, 11(8): 4390-4400.






Web of Science






Received: 08 November 2017
Revised: 15 February 2018
Accepted: 18 February 2018
Published: 21 March 2018
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018