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Edge structures are highly relevant to the electronic, magnetic, and catalytic properties of two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and their one-dimensional (1D) counterparts, i.e., nanoribbons, and should be precisely tailored for the desired application. In this work, we report the formation of novel Mo6S6 nanowire (NW)-terminated edges in monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) via an e–beam irradiation process combined with high temperature heating. The atomic structures of the NW-terminated edges and the dynamic formation process were observed experimentally using scanning transmission electron microscopy. Further analysis showed that the NW-terminated edge could be formed on both the Mo-zigzag (ZZ) edge and S-ZZ edge and could exhibit a stability superior to that of the pristine ZZ and armchair (AC) edges. In addition, analogous edge structures could also be formed in MoS2 nanoribbons and other TMD materials such as MoxW1-xSe2. We believe that these novel edge structures may impart novel properties to the 2D and 1D TMD materials and provide new opportunities for their applications in catalytic, spintronic, and electronic devices.
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