Graphical Abstract

The fascinating properties of two dimensional (2D) crystals have gained increasing interest for many applications. The synthesis of a 2D silicon structure, namely silicene, is attracting great interest for possible development of next generation electronic devices. The main difficulty in working with silicene remains its strong tendency to oxidation when exposed to air as a consequence of its relatively highly buckled structure. In this work, we univocally identify the Raman mode of air-stable low-buckled silicene nanosheets synthesized on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) located at 542.5 cm-1. The main focus of this work is Raman spectroscopy and mapping analyses in combination with ab initio calculations. Scanning tunneling microscopy images reveal the presence of a patchwork of Si three-dimensional (3D) clusters and contiguous Si areas presenting a honeycomb atomic arrangement, rotated by 30° with respect to the HOPG substrate underneath, with a lattice parameter of 0.41 ± 0.02 nm and a buckling of the Si atoms of 0.05 nm. Raman analysis supports the co-existence of 3D silicon clusters and 2D silicene. The Raman shift of low-buckled silicene on an inert substrate has not been reported so far and it is completely different from the one calculated for free-standing silicene and the ones measured for silicene grown on Ag(111) surfaces. Our experimental results are perfectly reproduced by our ab initio calculations of deposited silicene nanosheets. This leads us to conclude that the precise value of the observed Raman shift crucially depends on the strain between the silicene and the HOPG substrate.
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