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Enhanced efficiency in lead-free bismuth iodide with post treatment based on a hole-conductor-free perovskite solar cell

Jongmoon Shin1,§Maengsuk Kim2,§Sujeong Jung1Chang Su Kim1Jucheol Park3Aeran Song4Kwun-Bum Chung4Sung-Ho Jin5( )Jun Hee Lee2( )Myungkwan Song1( )
Surface Technology Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), 797 Changwondaero, Sungsan-Gu, Changwon, Gyeongnam, 642-831Republic of Korea
School of Energy and Chemical EngineeringUlsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST)Ulsan44919Republic of Korea
Structure Analysis GroupGyeongbuk Science & Technology Promotion CenterFuture Strategy Research Institute17 Cheomdangieop 1-roSangdong-myeonGumiGyeongbuk39171Republic of Korea
Division of Physics and Semiconductor ScienceDongguk University, Seoul, 100-715Republic of Korea
Department of Chemistry Education GraduateDepartment of Chemical Materialsand Institute for Plastic Information and Energy MaterialsPusan National UniversityBusan46241Republic of Korea

§Jongmoon Shin and Maengsuk Kim contributed equally to this work.

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Despite the excellent merits of lead perovskite solar cells, their instability and toxicity still present a bottleneck for practical applications. Bismuth perovskite has emerged as a candidate for photovoltaic (PV) applications, because it not only has a low toxicity but is also stable in air. However, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) remains an unsolved problem. We performed band gap tuning experiments to improve the efficiency. The absorption of ABi3I10 structure films was extended within the visible region, and the optical band gap was decreased considerably compared to that for Cs3Bi2I9. Furthermore, we explained the correlation between the structure and the optical properties via a first-principles study. A device employing CsBi3I10 as a photoactive layer exhibits a PCE of 1.51% and an excellent ambient stability over 30 days.

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Nano Research
Pages 6283-6293
Cite this article:
Shin J, Kim M, Jung S, et al. Enhanced efficiency in lead-free bismuth iodide with post treatment based on a hole-conductor-free perovskite solar cell. Nano Research, 2018, 11(12): 6283-6293.






Web of Science






Received: 13 April 2018
Revised: 15 June 2018
Accepted: 13 July 2018
Published: 01 August 2018
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018