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Review Article

Recent progress in engineering near-infrared persistent luminescence nanoprobes for time-resolved biosensing/bioimaging

Ling Liang1,§Na Chen1,§Yiyi Jia1Qinqin Ma2Jie Wang2Quan Yuan1,2( )Weihong Tan1
Molecular Science and Biomedicine Laboratory,Institute of Chemical Biology and Nanomedicine, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University,Changsha,410082,China;
Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Biology and Medicine (Ministry of Education),College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University,Wuhan,430072,China;

§ Ling Liang and Na Chen contributed equally to this work.

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Persistent luminescence nanoprobes (PLNPs) can remain luminescent after ceasing excitation. Due to the ultra-long decay time of persistent luminescence (PersL), autofluorescence interference can be efficiently eliminated by collecting PersL signal after autofluorescence decays completely, thus the imaging contrast and sensing sensitivity can be significantly improved. Since near-infrared (NIR) light shows reduced scattering and absorption coefficient in penetrating biological organs or tissues, near-infrared persistent luminescence nanoprobes (NIR PLNPs) possess deep tissue penetration and offer a bright prospect in the areas of in vivo biosensing/bioimaging. In this review, we firstly summarize the design of different types of NIR PLNPs for biosensing/bioimaging, such as transition metal ions-doped NIR PLNPs, lanthanide ions-doped NIR PLNPs, organic molecules-based NIR PLNPs, and semiconducting polymer self-assembled NIR PLNPs. Notably, organic molecules-based NIR PLNPs and semiconductor self-assembled NIR PLNPs, for the first time, were introduced to the review of PLNPs. Secondly, the effects of different types of charge carriers on NIR PersL and luminescence decay of NIR PLNPs are significantly emphasized so as to build up an in-depth understanding of their luminescence mechanism. It includes the regulation of valence band and conduction band of different host materials, alteration of defect types, depth and concentration changes caused by ion doping, effective radiation transitions and energy transfer generated by different luminescence centers. Given the design and potential of NIR PLNPs as long-lived luminescent materials, the current challenges and future perspective in this rapidly growing field are also discussed.



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Nano Research
Pages 1279-1292
Cite this article:
Liang L, Chen N, Jia Y, et al. Recent progress in engineering near-infrared persistent luminescence nanoprobes for time-resolved biosensing/bioimaging. Nano Research, 2019, 12(6): 1279-1292.
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Received: 11 December 2018
Revised: 12 February 2019
Accepted: 15 February 2019
Published: 29 May 2019
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019