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Research Article

Vesicular Li3V2(PO4)3/C hollow mesoporous microspheres as an efficient cathode material for lithium-ion batteries

Hongxia SunHaoran DuMengkang YuKuangfu HuangNan YuBaoyou Geng( )
College of Chemistry and Materials Science,Anhui Key Laboratory of Functional Molecular Solids, Ministry of Education, The Key Laboratory of Electrochemical Clean Energy of Anhui Higher Education Institutes, Anhui Normal University, NO.189 South Jiuhua Road,Wuhu,241002,China;
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Graphical Abstract


Vesicular lithium vanadium phosphate/carbon hollow mesoporous microspheres were fabricated using a facile polyvinylpyrrolidone-assisted aerosol-spray-assisted method and subsequent heat-treatment. While changing the content of polyvinylpyrrolidone, we found that carbon content was adjustable on the surface of lithium vanadium phosphate. By optimizing the carbon content among the composites, the electrochemical performance can be enhanced significantly. The results of electrochemical performance tests suggested that the samples exhibited good cycle performance and high discharge capability in the voltages between 3.0–4.8 V. The observed excellent electrochemical performances could be attributed to the proper content of carbon coating and the vesicular hollow mesoporous microsphere structure, increasing the transmission rate of lithium ions and reducing the structural change during charging and discharging effectively.

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Nano Research
Pages 1937-1942
Cite this article:
Sun H, Du H, Yu M, et al. Vesicular Li3V2(PO4)3/C hollow mesoporous microspheres as an efficient cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Nano Research, 2019, 12(8): 1937-1942.






Web of Science






Received: 08 May 2019
Revised: 24 May 2019
Accepted: 05 June 2019
Published: 17 June 2019
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019