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Research Article

Phase-controlled synthesis of thermally stable nitrogen-doped carbon supported iron catalysts for highly efficient Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

Jin Hee Lee1,2Hack-Keun Lee1Dong Hyun Chun1,3Hyunkyung Choi4Geun Bae Rhim1Min Hye Youn1Heondo Jeong1Shin Wook Kang1Jung-Il Yang1Heon Jung1Chul Sung Kim4( )Ji Chan Park1,3( )
Clean Fuel Laboratory,Korea Institute of Energy Research,Daejeon,34129,Republic of Korea;
Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Seoul,Seoul,02504,Republic of Korea;
Advanced Energy and System Technology,University of Science and Technology,Daejeon,34113,Republic of Korea;
Department of Physics,Kookmin University,Seoul,02707,Republic of Korea;
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Graphical Abstract


Iron-based nanoparticles with uniform and high particle dispersion, which are supported on carbon structures, have been used for various applications. However, their preparation still suffers from complicated synthesis involving multiple steps and from the high price of precursors and solvents. In the present work, a new carbon encapsulated iron-carbide nanoparticle supported on nitrogen-doped porous carbon (Fe5C2@C/NPC) structure was introduced. It was made using a simple solid-state reaction with sequential thermal treatments. Fe5C2@C/NPC is a highly active and stable catalyst for the high-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction. It showed very high hydrocarbon productivity (4.71 gHC∙gcat-1∙h-1) with high CO conversions (up to 96%).

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Nano Research
Pages 2568-2575
Cite this article:
Lee JH, Lee H-K, Chun DH, et al. Phase-controlled synthesis of thermally stable nitrogen-doped carbon supported iron catalysts for highly efficient Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Nano Research, 2019, 12(10): 2568-2575.






Web of Science






Received: 25 April 2019
Revised: 02 July 2019
Accepted: 19 July 2019
Published: 03 August 2019
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019