Graphical Abstract

Taking the full advantage of the conformal growth characterizing atomic layer deposition (ALD), the possibility to grow Co thin films, with thickness from several tens down to few nanometers on top of a granular topological insulator (TI) Sb2Te3 film, exhibiting a quite high surface roughness (2-5 nm), was demonstrated. To study the Co growth on the Sb2Te3 substrate, we performed simultaneous Co depositions also on sputtered Pt substrates for comparison. We conducted a thorough chemical-structural characterization of the Co/Sb2Te3 and Co/Pt heterostructures, confirming for both cases, not only an excellent conformality, but also the structural continuity of the Co layers. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) analyses evidenced that Co on Sb2Te3 grows preferentially oriented along the [00ℓ] direction, following the underlying rhombohedric substrate. Differently, Co crystallizes in a cubic phase oriented along the [