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Review Article

Recent advances in nanomaterials for sonodynamic therapy

Ting Xu1Shaojing Zhao1Changwei Lin2( )Xiuli Zheng3( )Minhuan Lan1( )
Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Micro & Nano Materials Interface Science, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Department of Gastrointestinal surgery, The Third XiangYa Hospital of Central South University, Changsha 410013, China
Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials and CityU-CAS Joint Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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Sonodynamic therapy (SDT), as a novel non-invasive strategy for eliminating tumor, has the advantages of deeper tissue penetration, fewer side effects, and better patient compliance, compared with photodynamic therapy (PDT). In SDT, ultrasound was used to activate sonosensitizer to produce cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), induce the collapse of vacuoles in solution, and bring about irreversible damage to cancer cells. In recent years, much effort has been devoted to developing highly efficient sonosensitizers which can efficiently generate ROS. However, the traditional organic sonosensitizers, such as porphyrins, hypericin, and curcumins, suffer from complex synthesis, poor water solubility, and low tumor targeting efficacy which limit the benefits of SDT. In contrast, inorganic sonosensitizers show good in vivo stability, controllable physicochemical properties, ease of achieving multifunctionality, and high tumor targeting, which greatly expanded their application in SDT. In this review, we systematically summarize the nanomaterials which act as the carrier of molecular sonosensitizers, and directly produce ROS under ultrasound. Moreover, the prospects of inorganic nanomaterials for SDT application are also discussed.


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Nano Research
Pages 2898-2908
Cite this article:
Xu T, Zhao S, Lin C, et al. Recent advances in nanomaterials for sonodynamic therapy. Nano Research, 2020, 13(11): 2898-2908.






Web of Science






Received: 25 May 2020
Revised: 13 July 2020
Accepted: 18 July 2020
Published: 31 July 2020
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020