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Research Article

Applying reticular synthesis to the design of Cu-based MOFs with mechanically interlocked linkers

Alexander J. Stirk1Benjamin H. Wilson1Christopher A. O’Keefe1Hazem Amarne2Kelong Zhu3Robert W. Schurko4Stephen J. Loeb1( )
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3B4, Canada
Department of Chemistry, The University of Jordan, Amman, 11942, Jordan
School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4390, USA
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The concept of "robust dynamics" describes the incorporation of mechanically interlocked molecules (MIMs) into metal-organic framework (MOF) materials such that large amplitude motions (e.g., rotation or translation of a macrocycle) can occur inside the free volume pore of the MOF. To aid in the preparation of such materials, reticular synthesis was used herein to design rigid molecular building blocks with predetermined ordered structures starting from the well-known MOF NOTT-101. New linkers were synthesized that have a T-shape, based on a triphenylene tetracarboxylate strut, and their incorporation into Cu(II)-based MOFs was investigated. The single-crystal structures of three new MOFs, UWCM-12 (fof), β-UWCM-13 (loz), UWCM-14 (lil), with naked T-shaped linkers were determined; β-UWCM-13 is the first reported example of the loz topology. A fourth MOF, UWDM-14 (lil) is analogous to UWCM-14 (lil) but contains a [2]rotaxane linker. Variable-temperature, 2H solid-state NMR was used to probe the dynamics of a 24-membered macrocycle threaded onto the MOF skeleton.

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Nano Research
Pages 417-422
Cite this article:
Stirk AJ, Wilson BH, O’Keefe CA, et al. Applying reticular synthesis to the design of Cu-based MOFs with mechanically interlocked linkers. Nano Research, 2021, 14(2): 417-422.






Web of Science






Received: 19 August 2020
Revised: 12 September 2020
Accepted: 14 September 2020
Published: 19 October 2020
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature