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Visualizing nonlinear resonance in nanomechanical systems via single-electron tunneling

Xinhe Wang1,2,§Lin Cong2,§Dong Zhu3Zi Yuan2Xiaoyang Lin1Weisheng Zhao1Zaiqiao Bai4Wenjie Liang5Ximing Sun6Guang-Wei Deng3,7()Kaili Jiang2()
Fert Beijing Research Institute, School of Microelectronics & Beijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Big Data and Brain Computing (BDBC), Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics, Department of Physics and Tsinghua-Foxconn Nanotechnology Research Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, CAS, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology, Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China

§ Xinhe Wang and Lin Cong contributed equally to this work.

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Numerous reports have elucidated the importance of mechanical resonators comprising quantum-dot-embedded carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for studying the effects of single-electron transport. However, there is a need to investigate the single-electron transport that drives a large amplitude into a nonlinear regime. Herein, a CNT hybrid device has been investigated, which comprises a gate-defined quantum dot that is embedded into a mechanical resonator under strong actuation conditions. The Coulomb peak positions synchronously oscillate with the mechanical vibrations, enabling a single-electron "chopper" mode. Conversely, the vibration amplitude of the CNT versus its frequency can be directly visualized via detecting the time-averaged single-electron tunneling current. To understand this phenomenon, a general formula is derived for this time-averaged single-electron tunneling current, which agrees well with the experimental results. By using this visualization method, a variety of nonlinear motions of a CNT mechanical oscillator have been directly recorded, such as Duffing nonlinearity, parametric resonance, and double-, fractional-, mixed- frequency excitations. This approach opens up burgeoning opportunities for investigating and understanding the nonlinear motion of a nanomechanical system and its interactions with electron transport in quantum regimes.

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Nano Research
Pages 1156-1161
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Wang X, Cong L, Zhu D, et al. Visualizing nonlinear resonance in nanomechanical systems via single-electron tunneling. Nano Research, 2021, 14(4): 1156-1161.
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