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Novel physical properties emerge when the thickness of charge density wave (CDW) materials is reduced to the atomic level, owing to the significant modification of the electronic band structure and correlation effects. Here, we investigate the layer-dependent CDW phase transition and evolution of the nonequilibrium state of 1T-TaS2 nanoflakes using pump-probe spectroscopy. Both the low-energy single-particle and collective excitation relaxations exhibit sharp changes at ~ 210 K, indicating a phase transition from commensurate CDW to nearly commensurate CDW state. The single particle process reveals that the phase transition stiffness (PTS) is thickness-dependent. Moreover, a small PTS is observed in thin nanoflakes, which is attributed to the reduced thickness that increases the fluctuation and inhibits the nucleation and growth of discommensurations. In addition, the phase mode vanishes when the discommensuration network appears. Our results suggest that the carrier dynamics could be an efficient operational approach to measuring the quantum phase transition in correlated materials.