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Broadband and sensitive two-dimensional halide perovskite photodetector for full-spectrum underwater optical communication

Dejian YuFei CaoYu GuZeyao HanJiaxin LiuBo HuangXiaobao Xu()Haibo Zeng()
Institute of Optoelectronics & Nanomaterials, MIIT Key Laboratory of Advanced Display Materials and Devices, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
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Full-spectrum underwater optical communication (UOC) is of great significance for major strategic needs including resource development, scientific exploration, and homeland security. As the core of the full-spectrum UOC system, photodetectors (PDs) are plagued by stringent requirements including a broadband response, intrinsic water resistance, and a high detectivity. In this work, two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites (HPs) and corresponding PDs are constructed by stearamine (SA), representing the rarely explored long-chain aliphatic amine series, to own waterproofness, ultralow noise, and superior optoelectronic performance, which consequently enable a high suitability for UOC. By dimensionality and composition modulations to extend the absorption onset down to 1.5 eV, a broadband response covering the entire transmission window of water (> 1.55 eV) for full- spectrum UOC can be obtained. Besides, featuring a high responsivity of 3.27 A·W−1, a peak external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 630%, fast rise/decay times of 0.35 ms/0.54 ms, a superior detectivity up to 1.35 × 1012 Jones and the capability to distinguish various waveforms and light intensities, the PDs present sensitive and persistent photoresponse underwater. As a result, proof-of-concept wireless transmission of ASCII codes in water is demonstrated.

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Nano Research
Pages 1210-1217
Cite this article:
Yu D, Cao F, Gu Y, et al. Broadband and sensitive two-dimensional halide perovskite photodetector for full-spectrum underwater optical communication. Nano Research, 2021, 14(4): 1210-1217.
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