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As a famous hole transporting material, nickle oxide (NiOX) has drawn enormous attention due to its low cost and superior stability. However, the relatively low conductivity and high-density surface trap states of NiOX severely limit device performance in solar cell applications. Interfacial engineering is an efficient approach to achieve remarkable hole-transporting performance by surface passivation. Herein, the efficient NiOX hole transport layer was prepared by surface passivation engineering strategy via facile solution processes with cesium iodide (CsI). It is demonstrated that CsI plays a super-effective dual-function role in inverted solar cell device: On one hand, the presence of CsI hugely passivates the surface trap states at the NiOX/perovskite interface along with obviously improved conductivity by the incorporated Cs+; on the other hand, the ions immigration is significantly suppressed by the presence of I ion for high-quality perovskite films, resulting in a stable contact interface. The ameliorative interface leads to largely reduced carrier non-radiative recombination, attributing to boosted carrier extraction efficiency. As a result, decent power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 18.48% with a noticeable fill factor (FF) beyond 80% was achieved. This facile and efficient surface engineering approach with dual-function shows excellent potential for the design of high-performance functional interfacial modification layer to achieve high-performance solar cells.
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