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Research Article | Open Access

High-yield fabrication of perpendicularly magnetised synthetic antiferromagnetic nanodiscs

Emma N. Welbourne( )Tarun VemulkarRussell P. Cowburn
Department of PhysicsCavendish LaboratoryUniversity of Cambridge, J. J. Thomson AvenueCambridgeCB3 0HEUK
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Synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF) particles with perpendicular anisotropy display a number of desirable characteristics for applications in biological and other fluid environments. We present an efficient and effective method for the patterning of ultrathin Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida coupled, perpendicularly magnetised SAFs using a combination of nanosphere lithography and ion milling. A Ge sacrificial layer is utilised, which provides a clean and simple lift-off process, as well as maintaining the key magnetic properties that are beneficial to target applications. We demonstrate that the method is capable of producing a particularly high yield of well-defined, thin film based nanoparticles.

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Nano Research
Pages 3873-3878
Cite this article:
Welbourne EN, Vemulkar T, Cowburn RP. High-yield fabrication of perpendicularly magnetised synthetic antiferromagnetic nanodiscs. Nano Research, 2021, 14(11): 3873-3878.








Web of Science






Received: 01 October 2020
Revised: 08 December 2020
Accepted: 25 December 2020
Published: 25 January 2021
© The Author(s) 2021

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