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Research Article

A hybrid flexible gas sensory system with perceptual learning

Qifeng Lu1Fuqin Sun1Yanbing Dai1Yingyi Wang2Lin Liu1Zihao Wang1Shuqi Wang1Ting Zhang1( )
i-lab, Key Laboratory of multifunctional nanomaterials and smart systems Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)Suzhou 215123 China
Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversitySuzhou 215123 China
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Imbuing artificial sensory system with intelligence of the biological counterpart is limited by challenges in emulating perceptual learning ability at the device level. In biological systems, stimuli from the surrounding environment are detected, transmitted, and processed by receptor, afferent nerve, and brain, respectively. This process allows the living creatures to identify the potential hazards and improve their adaptability in various environments. Here, inspired by the biological olfaction system, a gas sensory system with perceptual learning is developed. As a proof-of-concept, H2S gas with various concentrations is used as the stimulation and the stimuli will be converted to pulse-like physiological signals in the designed system, which consists of a gas sensor, a flexible oscillator, and a memristor-type artificial synapse. Furthermore, the learning ability is implemented using a supervised learning method based on k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm. The recognition accuracy can be enhanced by repeating training, illustrating a great potential to be used as the neuromorphic sensory system with a learning ability for the applications in robotics.

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Nano Research
Pages 423-428
Cite this article:
Lu Q, Sun F, Dai Y, et al. A hybrid flexible gas sensory system with perceptual learning. Nano Research, 2022, 15(1): 423-428.






Web of Science






Received: 02 February 2021
Revised: 26 March 2021
Accepted: 05 April 2021
Published: 26 April 2021
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021